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1. Employment status


After passing the final interview, usually an applicant will be given a probationary contract.  During this period, the employee must give his best.  If the employer is satisfied with his performance,  he will be given a regular employment contract.  Before the probationary contract ends, most employees are nervous.  Some of them are worried whether their contract will be extended or not.  


2. Monthly remittances (SSS, Pag-ibig, Philihealth)


Upon checking from different government agencies (SSS, Pag-ibig or HDMF, Philihealth), there’s no record of their remittance or contribution.   It’s either the employer didn’t remit their contribution or the government agencies in charge didn’t update their system yet.  It is disappointing when they avail for a loan. It would take time before they can proceed and be approved. 




The higher the salary an employee receives, the higher the tax is being deducted.   It’s okay to pay tax as long as they can see where it goes.  


4. New Policies


Why is it that each time an employer implements a new policy, majority of the employees disagree?


Like for examples:


a. Changing of working hours: Some employers do this to maximize productivity while minimizing expenses. However for employees’ part, it affects their compensation.  They feel it’s diminishing of benefits.  They work longer but the salary they receive has decreased or no increase at all. 


b. Wearing of uniform and others


(Send to us your comment about this matter if you agree or not)


5. Unfair Treatment


If an employee is close with the management, there’s a chance he will receive favoritism. This is a very common notion to some employees.   If an employee is suddenly promoted, others would think it's because of closeness with the employer.


Other example would be an employee  who has been violating company policies but never been suspended. 


6. Monday Blues


I would say majority of employees hate Monday.  Each one of them has different reasons.   They don’t want to wake up because they are still tired while others just want to continue enjoying their vacation.



What is your concern as an employee?  Send your comment to us and we will publish it here. Click here





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